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There are more questions that surround the continent of Antarctica than there are answers. There's no doubt that Antarctica is shrouded in mystery and although there is to be no militarization on the continent, there is sure a lot of military presence (mostly) provided by the United States to prevent anyone from getting even close to the continent -- let alone set a foot on it.


Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd


The first person to explore Antarctica (?)

October 25, 1888 – March 11, 1957

Conspiracy theories are nothing new. They have been around as long as there has been corruption and corrupted governments. Remember, it was the the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who coined the phrase "conspiracy theorists". This term was created to discredit a possible "leak" from reliable sources(?) that's informing the public on possible corruption and/or top secret information.


Many conspiracies were quickly labeled a "conspiracy theory" by either governments or popular public media figures were later proven to be true. Some of these conspiracies include but not limited too:

  • The JFK Assassination

  • The Gay Bomb

  • Spying in Trump Tower

Richard E. Byrd

Conspiracy theories have been around since at least 1926, however, back then it was just called lies and the government was being called out on them. One of the first lies the US government covered up (before Roswell) was that Richard Byrd and his pilot, Floyd Bennett may not have reached the North Pole.


It wasn't until 1996 when Admiral Byrd's diary was found, dug up at some university in Ohio, and revealed some startling information. According to Byrd's own written testimony, he wrote down the wrong coordinates, erased them (it was still legible), and then wrote down the correct coordinates where he was suppose to be.

It's been rumored that the recorder who typed Byrd's written testimony for official records, also noticed the erased information, but since it was erased content... why include it in the report?


Bernt Balchen  claimed that Floyd Bennett confessed to him months after the triumphant expedition that he and Richard Byrd didn't reach the North Pole. 


Bennett passed away April 25, 1928 alongside Balchen when just the two of them went on a rescue mission. Bennett passed away due to pneumonia. Bennett supposedly caught a cold during his last rescue mission and insisted that he accompanied Balchen. Bennett died not to soon after takeoff.


Floyd Bennett
Bernt Balchen

Balchen never said a word of what Bennett confessed to him until after Byrd passed away. Not sure why Balchen would wait so long unless he was trying to spare Byrd from humiliation.


If the US government did know that Byrd falsify his coordinates, why would they then send him to the South Pole to explore in 1928?


A book was written after Byrd's death recalling the true events of what happened when Byrd discovered a |hallow Earth", however, HUGE skepticism from media outlets have since disproved it.


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The Mystery Surrounding Antarctica

Antarctica may be the seventh continent of the world, but it still remains the most mysterious. As large as Antarctica is many find the fact that nobody can visit the continent without proper authorization. It's to remain military free, however, it takes a military (the US military) to enforce it . It's also in dispute that commercial airliners are not permitted to fly over Antarctica. This has been said to have been debunked but no valid, indisputable evidence has ever been proven. "Fact Finders" have just as much evidence by explanation & examples as they do proving gravity exisits  -- they don't have any.

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